Welcome to Magna Carbon. Our focus, is on developing solutions for our planet. The negative effects of climate change, and environmental damage. We work to develop newmethods, to help drive sustainability, and environmental cleanup, and preservation to make the living environment more pleasant, and preserving it for future generations. Whether through Recycling, Ocean cleanup, Reforestation, or sustainability consulting to governments, our work, remains focussed on helping to preserve this planets environment. Having visions of being a interplanetary, and multi-planetary species, will mean nothing, if Earth, our shared homeworld, has a descrated environment. We understand the need, to see every aspect of the global environment, as precious, and with a need to be protected. We also understand, that there needs to be realism. Goods, equipment, resources, people and equipment, need to travel and power needs to be generated. But there needs to be balance. We help governments and multinational corporations, achieve that balance, for the good of the planet. Artificial intelligence plays an integral role in our operations, as we look to harness cutting edge technology, in our efforts to engineer the environment to make it more robust against negative impacts such as deforestation, pollution, desertification and mitigate climate change.
Artificial Intelligence Programs we use

Environmental Engineering

We provide environmental engineering, that includes repairing damaged ecosystems, and creating new ecosystems. Click here for more information

Research, Intelligence +


We provide research, intelligence and insights on carbon sequestration, reforestation, and sustainability. Click here for more information
Our Services

Reforestation Programs

We operate reforestation programs, for Carbon sequestration globally. Click here for more information

Metal Recycling Services

We provide metal recycling services, in order to promote sustainability in line with our overall company mission. Click here for more information

Waste Pickup & Recycling

We provide a waste pickup service, that 100% recycles all items, that is initially operating in London, England. Click here for more information

Environmental Consulting

We provide Governments, Corporations and organisations, globally with environmental and climate consulting. Click here for more information

Eco Prime® Accreditation

Eco Prime Accreditation, is for organisations, that wish to sponsor new forests, and reforestation programs that will bear their name. Click here for more information

Ocean Cleanup Services

Our Ocean and beach cleanup services, assist local governments remove plastics, and other waste from beaches and oceans. Click here for more information

Carbon Offsetting for


We provide carbon offsetting solutions for corporations and organisations, that wish to implement a carbon program. Click here for more information

Waste Metal To Art™


We provide waste metal from commercial and residential, and offer them to artists and sculptors to create art, as part of our sustainability mission. Click here for more information


5 Trillion Trees® Program
Our goal is long range, and it is to ensure that we create forests across the globe, that will consist of up to 5 Trillion trees, encompassing forests, mangroves, grasslands and other foliage over the coming decades in order to ensure that excess carbon, is removed from the atmosphere over the next 100 years. We are creating forests and ecosystems, with a focus on improving the environment for the long term.

How we use Artificial


We use Artificial Intelligence to help us, to develop processes to help with our carbon capture, and environmental engineering objectives. From carbon sequestration to beach cleanups, we use a number of Artificial Intelligence programs. Click here for more information
Magna Carbon®
Environmental Engineering | Recycling | Consulting | Carbon Offsetting |

Land Purchase Program

We purchase land, for long term creation of forests, peatland, grassland, and mangroves for the purpose of Carbon capture Click here for more information
Magna Carbon, is at the forefront of developing technologies, and services, to stop the impact of climate change, across the globe. Bill Clinton
© 2022 Magna Carbon Holdings LLC. All Rights Reserved
Welcome to Magna Carbon. Our focus, is on developing solutions for our planet. The negative effects of climate change, and environmental damage. We work to develop new methods, to help drive sustainability, and environmental cleanup, and preservation to make the living environment more pleasant, and preserving it for future generations. Whether through Recycling, Ocean cleanup, reforestation, or Sustainability consulting to governments, our work, remains focussed on helping to preserve this planets environment. Having visions of an interplanetary, and multi-planetary species, will mean nothing, if Earth, our shared homeworld, has a descrated environment. We understand the need, to see every aspect of the global environment, as precious, and with a need to be protected. We also understand, that there needs to be realism. Goods, equipment, resources, people and equipment, need to travel and power needs to be generated. But there needs to be balance. We help governments and multinational corporations, achieve that balance, for the good of the planet. Artificial intelligence plays an integral role in our operations, as we look to harness cutting edge technology, in our efforts to engineer the environment to make it more robust against negative impacts such as deforestation, pollution, desertification and mitigate climate change.
Artificial Intelligence Programs we use
Our Services

How we use Artificial


We use Artificial Intelligence to help us, to develop processes to help with our carbon capture, and environmental engineering objectives. From carbon sequestration to beach cleanups, we use a number of Artificial Intelligence programs. Click here for more information
Our goal is long range, and it is to ensure that we create forests across the globe, that will consist of up to 5 Trillion trees, over the coming decades in order to ensure that excess carbon, is removed from the atmosphere over the next 100 years. We are creating forests and ecosystems, with a focus on improving the environment for the long term.


Magna Carbon®
Reforestation | Recycling | Consulting | Carbon Offsetting

Environmental Consulting

We provide Governments, Corporations and organisations, globally with environmental and climate consulting. Click here for more information

Environmental Engineering

We provide environmental engineering, that includes repairing damaged ecosystems, and creating new ecosystems. Click here for more information

Research, Intelligence +


We provide research, intelligence and insights on carbon sequestration, reforestation, and sustainability. Click here for more information

Reforestation Programs

We operate reforestation programs, for Carbon sequestration globally. Click here for more information

Metal Recycling Services

We provide metal recycling services, in order to promote sustainability in line with our overall company mission. Click here for more information

Waste Pickup & Recycling

We provide a waste pickup service, that 100% recycles all items, that is initially operating in London, England. Click here for more information

Eco Prime Accreditation

Eco Prime Accreditation is for organisations, that wish to sponsor new forests, and reforestation programs that will bear their name. Click here for more information

Ocean Cleanup Services

Our Ocean and beach cleanup services, assist local governments remove plastics, and other waste from beaches and oceans. Click here for more information

Carbon Offsetting for


We provide carbon offsetting solutions for corporations and organisations, that wish to implement a carbon program. Click here for more information

Waste Metal To Art™


We provide waste metal from commercial and residential, and offer them to artists and sculptors to create art, as part of our sustainability mission. Click here for more information

Land Purchase Program

We purchase land, for long term creation of forests, peatland, grassland, and mangroves for the purpose of Carbon capture Click here for more information
The 5 Trillion Trees® Program
Magna Carbon, is at the forefront of developing technologies, and services, to stop the impact of climate change, across the globe. Bill Clinton
© 2022 Magna Carbon Holdings LLC. All Rights Reserved