
We have a mission of creating mega forests, in targetted areas globally, to absorb Gigatonnes carbon from the atmosphere over the coming decades. It is our mission to remove Billions of tons of carbon, in order to give the atmosphere a chance to recover from decades of pollution, and help countries around the globe, reach net zero targets. We work with governments, and corporations, around the world, to help them mitigate carbon emmissions, by creating and augmenting forests, as part of a program to capture carbon, and help support different ecosystems, across the globe. We are creating forests, Mangroves and other Carbon sinks, that will be named by companies, so that there is a sense of ownership, in reducing Carbon. It will allow for companies, and governments to have a permanent, and ongoing contribution to improving the environment, and helping to contrinute to safeguarding our planets ecosystems.
Request a free consultation to discover how our services, can help you create a carbon neutral environment, please do not hesitate to contact us. Email Us: 5T@MagnaCarbon.com
5 Trillion Trees® Program
Magna Carbon®
Environmental Engineering | Recycling | Consulting | Carbon Offsetting |
© 2022 Magna Carbon Holdings LLC. All Rights Reserved
We have a mission of creating forests, in targetted areas globally, to absorb Gigatonnes carbon from the atmosphere over the coming decades. It is our mission to remove Billions of tons of carbon, in order to give the atmosphere a chance to recover from decades of pollution, and help countries around the globe reach net zero targets. We work with governments, and corporations, around the world, to help them mitigate carbon emmissions, by creating and augmenting forests, as part of a program to capture carbon and help support different ecosystems, across the globe. We are creating forests, Mangroves and other Carbon sinks, that will have them named by companies, so that there is a sense of ownership, in reducing Carbon. It will allow for corporations, organisations, and governments to have a permanent, and ongoing contribution to improving the environment, and helping to contribute to safeguarding our planets ecosystems.
Request a free consultation to discover how our services, can help you create a carbon neutral environment, please do not hesitate to contact us. Email Us: 5T@MagnaCarbon.com


Magna Carbon®
Reforestation | Recycling | Consulting | Carbon Offsetting
5 Trillion Trees® Program
© 2022 Magna Carbon Holdings LLC. All Rights Reserved