At Magna Carbon, we take an active role in researching new methods, to bolster the environment. Our botanists, and geneticists, are undertaking research on the development of genetically engineered larger trees, and foliage, that will ultimately absorb more carbon, and mitigate climate change, and improve ecosystems. The research that we are undertaking, looks at methods, to improve the environment. This is our beginnings, of developing powerful terraforming technology, as we at Magna Carbon, look towards a future that includes, extra planetary missions. Whilst companies, such a Space X, Virgin Galactic, and Blue Origin make inroads into private space travel, and meeting the objectives of eventually settling on Mars, it is our vision here, at Magna Carbon, to develop plant life that can develop in different types of atmosphere and gravity, which will be integral, to the next stage of human development. Our research includes, looking at how soil, crops and trees can be grown on non-terrestial environments, how to genetically modify, and enhance seeds, and soil to flourish in extreme temeratures, and gavitation. This will be the basis of our future terraforming processes. This in turn, will be used on Earth, to mitigate environmental and cliamte issues. We conduct in depth research on botany, plant genetics, atmosphere, the effects of gravity on seeds, and foliage, as we know that this knowledge will be integral, as a basis of the viability of long term space exploration, and the terraforming of planets. This is the future that we at Magna Carbonare working towards. Request Consutation If you want to learn more about our research, or have a proposal for an area of research that relates to climate, clean energy generation, the effects of pollution, space exploration, then please do not hesitate to contact us. Email Us:


Magna Carbon®
Environmental Engineering | Recycling | Consulting | Carbon Offsetting |
© 2022 Magna Carbon Holdings LLC. All Rights Reserved
At Magna Carbon, we take an active role in researching new methods, to bolster the environment. Our botanists, and geneticists, are undertaking research on the development of genetically engineered larger trees, and foliage, that will ultimately absorb more carbon, and mitigate climate change, and improve ecosystems. The research that we are undertaking, looks at methods, to improve the environment. This is our beginnings, of developing powerful terraforming technology, as we at Magna Carbon, look towards a future that includes, extra- planetary missions. Whilst companies, such a Space X, Virgin Galactic, and Blue Origin make inroads into private space travel, and meeting the objectives of eventually settling on Mars, it is our vision here, at Magna Carbon, to develop plant life that can develop in different types of atmosphere and gravity,which will be integral, to the next stage of human development. Our research includes, looking at how soil, crops and trees can be grown on non-terrestial environments, how to genetically modify, and enhance seeds, and soil to flourish in extreme temeratures, and gavitation. This will be the basis of our future terraforming processes. This in turn, will be used on Earth, to mitigate environmental and cliamte issues. We conduct in depth research on botany, plant genetics, atmosphere, the effects of gravity on seeds, and foliage, as we know that this knowledge will be integral, as a basis of the viability of long term space exploration, and the terraforming of planets. This is the future that we at Magna Carbon are working towards. If you want to learn more about our research, or have a proposal for an area of research that relates to climate, clean energy generation, the effects of pollution, space exploration, then please do not hesitate to contact us. Email Us:


Magna Carbon®
Reforestation | Recycling | Consulting | Carbon Offsetting
© 2022 Magna Carbon Holdings LLC. All Rights Reserved